well it has been some time since my last organized rambling. i must regard that this entry is going to be filled with more happiness and less cynicism than normal. i got the job. yes that job that was really my only prospect. the job that i was able to find in the sludge of an economy. that job that will pay me well enough to have more money than i need, and enough to keep me comfortable, happy and feeling mature. the job that isn't just a job...but a career. this "job" is hopefully my opening into a profession that i may continue to engage in for decades to come. i can not say whether or not this particular job with this particular company will continue forever, but i hope that it is the skills i retrieve from working in this position, with this company, with these people, that will be the lifeblood for the rest of my working years. i think i'm going to love this job, and this is after only one week. nothing stays the same. it is always different, yet somewhat the same because i interact with the same 30 or 40 people regularly, but the content is always different, yet always the same.
the context of the job is not important, the field of industry is irrelevant. all that i find pertinent to divulge to my so numerous readers is that i am pleased and proud of myself. i earned this job. it is partially to thank due to my years of hard work in school, i must not disregard that. however, i believe it is the talking and critical thinking that i had to turn to during my 4 interviews for the position that proved myself worthy and capable.
so...i bid you good morrow as i pat myself on the back.
Dude its Tim....Congrats man...What are you doing